That actually happened. what a night. dang. still wrapping my head around it all. O.o
I swear there is something wrong with me. as of late I don't want to do anything. and by do anything I mean.... DO ANYTHING. I don't want to get out of bed. I just want to sleep and never wake up. and the littlest thing can make me cry. I''ve been overthinking things more than usual. ugh I swear I''ve officially lost it. :/
I think I've finally figured out what I really want.
I want a kiss. No not a big slobbery french tongue gross kiss.
I want a real, pure, sweet kiss. Not some stupid truth or dare occurence.
I don't want that only kiss I ever get to be because of truth or dare.
and I don't want it to change anything between us. I just want a redo.

haha yeah. first post in like 4 months and its about a kiss. only me. haha (:
You said you dont want me to talk to you again. I wont. I wont freaking even LOOK at  you the wrong way ever again? are you happy now? have a nice life meanyhead.
Its been one of those days that starts out fantastic. and then gets better. then someone says or does something that makes you wanna punch a wall. >.> rawrX10
oh goodness......
what a day!!!!! and school was crazy.
but I am gonna learn spanish! woohoo!
if you can never do anything right. then why bother doing anything.
if you can never say anything right then why bother saying anything at all?
People are so irritating. I only seem to be pissing them off. sooooo. I'm done trying :/
When you're about 3-4 inches UNDER the average size for a person your age. it gets to be PRETTY HARD to find clothes that FIT CORRECTLY. >.>
It's finally hit me. this is the end. I may never see you ever again. and my heart feels like its been hacked to pieces.
 I dont know what I'm going to do without you. This pain is killing me slowly. I have to try and breathe and  live life normally without you. I dont know if I can. but I know you're moving on to bigger better things. I should be happy.
 but not since I'm losing you.
</3 Amanda..
I dont know what I couldve done to deserve feeling like this.
I wake up at 2:00 or 5:00 every morning. and inside its like there's this void in my heart.
I walk around feeling numb like a zombie.
and I dont know how to stop it. >.>